Move on Your Own Personal Initiative-by: Napoleon Hill

The mind that has been made to receive, attracts that which it needs, just as a magnet attracts steel filings.
The most difficult part of any task is that of making a start. But once it has been made, the way to complete the job become evident. The truth of this has been proved by the fact that men with definite major purposes are more successful than those without objectives.
And we have yet to find a successful man who did not readily admit that the turning-point of major importance in his life came when he adopted a definite major purpose.
No one person can tell another what his definite major purpose in life should be. But any successful man will verify that success is not possible without such a purpose.
Adopt a definite major purpose and see how quickly the habit of moving on your own personal initiative will inspire you to action.
Your imagination will become more alert and it will reveal to you many opportunities related to your purpose. Opposition to your purpose will disappear and people will give you their friendly cooperation.
Fear and doubt will disappear also. And somewhere along the way you will meet your “other self” face to face – that self which can, and will, carry you over to the success side of the River of Life.
From there on the going will be easy and the way will be clear, for you will have adapted yourself to the great intangible forces of nature which lead inevitably to the attainment of your chosen goal.
You will wonder why you did not find the path sooner, and you will understand why success attracts more success while failure attracts more failure.
And just a short distance ahead, you will see the great gate that leads into Happy Valley! You are not there yet, for there are lesser gates through which you must pass before you enter the great estate.
Source:  PMA Science of Success Course. Educational Edition. The Napoleon Hill Foundation. 1983. Pgs. 206-207.
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