Neil Haley, the Total Tutor host of the Simply G Radio Show, interviewed Vi Millionaire GJ Reynolds to get his take the importance of Instagram, find out what tips he would provide people, and get an update on his new ebooks and trainings that he will be writing.
Reynolds is an original founding member in the company ViSalus and is now a 5-Star Ambassador, Vi Millionaire, and CEO of Simply G Media. He has written a book titled The Playful and Powerful Warrior Within You and holds the distinction of completing the Dale Brown Challenge by working out for over 950 days straight (and counting).
Haley started the discussion about Instagram. Pictures are the most powerful tools to market, Haley said. Everyone can post a photo and reach millions and millions of people. Figuring out what photo to post is half the battle on Instagram. When you post a photo think if that photo will interest others.
Haley continued, Your Facebook friends will be your first Instagram followers. You can message anyone you like. Also, you can follow anyone you like.
Reynolds, who has more than 400K followers on Twitter and 15,000 followers on Instagram, said people are looking for something simple and short to the point.
Photos speak differently to different people. As we all know, a photo is worth a thousand words. You are able to use hashtags, have a short description, or post a link. This will be the way you convert that follower to customer and to a life long friend.