Everyone should have a Plan B!

You know what I mean:
What if something happens with your current job or situation? What if something happens in your family that wipes out your savings account? What if an emergency comes up that that cleans out your retirement plan? Do the "what ifs" scare YOU?
I have used ViSalus as my Plan B. And now it is my Plan A. It started out as a backup plan!
I know everything that has gone on in real estate, the stock market, the banking industry and the rest of our economy over the last few years should be a wake up call. It appears with the country's deficit situation, we are in for some more rough waters. Are YOU ready for them?
Having a home business that you are able to control (and do in your spare time) is just smart. Knowing that ViSalus has already been around for almost 8 years, survived the worst of it, and is a part of Blyth, Inc, a billion-dollar a year, publicly traded, global leader in the industry, I have a lot more confidence in my future security and stability.
What's your Plan B? We should build one together!
Commit to looking into ViSalus and the Body by Vi™ Challenge. This will assist you in choosing to have an educated decision, for choosing YOUR Plan B.
Let's talk.
Click here to Learn more how GJ Reynolds is able to help you LIVE the BEACHLIFESTYLE, and Transform YOUR LIFE, HEALTH and PROSPERITY!
GJ Reynolds also known as “G” is a Passionate, Playful & Powerful Warrior Entrepreneur, Author, and Life Transformer. He is also a Visalus Founding Promoter, Ambassador, Co-Founder of the Body By Vi 90 Day Challenge, business developer, coach, mentor, trainer, public speaker and radio host. He teaches others how to have fun reclaiming their Life, Health & Prosperity! G is driven to assist others to reach their full potential and having their magnificence to shine. He loves to teach and work with like-minded entrepreneurs and professionals who choose to reclaim their personal power and transform their life, health and prosperity. He lives a life of purpose, on purpose and for purpose. He enjoys the process of his personal, spiritual, and professional journey, while assisting others to do the same. G is at his best when he is learning, teaching, inspiring, creating, organizing, and leading the way! He also enjoys communicating with others that are of like mind and is on a mission to assist millions of people to transform their lives! Need a little help?
The contents of this post/article are Copyright © 2012
GJ Reynolds and/or SimplyG, and/or Beachlifestyle,
and/or Beachlifestyle Publishing.
“with explicit reservation of all rights”.
GJ Reynolds and/or SimplyG, and/or Beachlifestyle,
and/or Beachlifestyle Publishing.
“with explicit reservation of all rights”.
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#simplyG #beachlifestyle #Vi #challenge #entrepreneur
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