American citizens must take back their government and quit relying on career politicians.  Our apathy and greed has put us in this crisis.
“God give us men. A time like this demands Strong minds, great hearts,true faith and ready hands.
Men whom the lust of office does not kill.
Men whom the spoils of office cannot buy.
Men who possess opinions and a will.Men who love honor,men who will not lie.”(Josiah Holland)
Gandhi believed that many social problems stem from the passive violence that permeates everyday life and he called them the :seven Blunders”, which are:
1.   Wealth Without Work-Striving to get rich quickly and easily-making money without really working for it.
2.  Pleasure Without Conscience-People doing things that are hurtful to themselves and others while attempting to find pleasure and excitement.
3.   Knowledge Without Character:-Viewing education as a means of getting ahead with little regard for character education.
4.   Commerce Without Reality-Bussiness making money by any means possible,exploiting workers and natural rescurces.
5.   Science Without Humanity-Pursing advanced technology with nlittle regard for its social or environmental impact.
6.   Worship Without Sacrifice-Hypocrisy.Professing to have religious beliefs,but not living accordingly.
7.  Politics Without Principles-Tolerating a political system that rewards unethical behavior.
Are you fed up with what is happening?Then do something about it besides just complaining.Be active by voting,demanding the people we elect represent us,express your opinions to elected officials,and stand up for what you know is right. Thanks for taking the time to read this.