Here is a story which we would like to pass on to you. A man was driving from Los Angeles to Palm Springs, rolling along just fine – until his car stopped dead. He tried the starter repeatedly, but not a cylinder would fire. Being a businessman and no mechanic, he didn’t know the first thing about the mechanics of his car. But he got out, lifted the hood and looked in rapt amazement at the confusing array of gadgets which greeted his eyes. Angered by his own mechanical ignorance, he slammed down the hood, locked the car and started down the highway to find a garage.
For nearly three miles he trudged along in the hot desert sun and arrived at a garage in a good sweat. The mechanic drove him back to his stalled car. Now when the mechanic lifted the hood, he knew what to look for, and he loosened a nut on the side of the carburetor, took out a tiny screen, held it up to the sunlight and, after a glance, blew on it quickly. He shook it a few times and put it back in. The engine immediately responded to the starter. All that was wrong with the engine, the mechanic explained, was that the flow of its gasoline had been temporarily shut off by the dust which had collected on the little screen. Being somewhat of a philosopher, the mechanic made the observation that men are like that: sometimes their mental screens become clogged and they fail to accept the bounteous blessings with which a generous Providence has surrounded them.
Source: PMA Science of Success Course. The Napoleon Hill Foundation. 1961. Pgs. 81.